Sustainability is in our DNA. At Retine Nursery, we are committed to a sustainable production process. As a modern company, we like to keep the use of chemicals to a minimum. Included in this is the use of natural enemies (such as the gall midge, ichneumon wasp and predatory mite).
In addition, our products are MPS Sustainable Quality certified. We only use legally permitted crop protection agents. By using this quality mark, we prove to our customers and consumers that we cultivate as sustainably as possible.

We also produce sustainably by reusing heat, electricity and exhaust gases. We also use air mixers to dehumidify the crop, which ensures optimum shelf life and maximum energy savings. We compost our plant remains ourselves and thus work in a circular manner. With this approach we strive for the most sustainable cultivation possible, which makes us and our customers happy.
At Retine Nursery, we combine sustainability with attention to the well-being of our people, surroundings and environment. Because at The Flower Family, everyone is part of our family. Doing good for customers, relations and the environment of our company is what we stand for.
Would you like to know more about our cultivation process? We’re happy to tell you more!
Harvesting and packing
At Retine Nursery, all Chrysanthemum flowers are harvested by hand by the best graders. Only the most attractive stems are carefully selected and picked by hand (using a cutting machine). Then the flowers are again sorted according to quality, sleeved and packed.
Immediately after harvesting, we cool our Chrysanthemum flowers with a pre-cooling system down to 10 degrees Celsius, so that the flowers don’t become damp, resulting in a longer shelf life. After this treatment, the flowers are set up in the cold store so that they remain at the perfect temperature. At the end of the harvest day, the flowers are already being transported to the auction and to customers.